put your own 3 things in the comments section

if a topic of the day catches your attention, feel free to put your own three things (or however many) in the comments section. it is fun to read other people's lists.

:) jeff

Thursday, August 30, 2007

...the best concerts that i have ever attended.

my three favorite concert experiences

  1. violent femmes in salt lake city (1986 ish) - my first concert ever - went with my friends forrest and jon. we were front row center stage for the entire concert and left with bruises all over from being there. nothing quite like your first concert
  2. u2 - the zoo tv outdoor tour in denver colorado (1992) - christian and i borrowed bunna's vw fox and drove to denver to see the concert and drove back the next day. a great concert by one of the greatest bands ever.
  3. sting in park city - my favorite singer of all time. the man is a performer! great concert.

honorable mention - rem - the green tour in slc, and james taylor - in kansas city.


Delise said...

1. Donny and Marie Osmond (just because it was one of my first and I like purple socks!)
2. James Taylor
3. AC/DC--just because most people don't associate me with that type of music...and it's also good for those getting-to-know-you type games when you need something unbelievable (the inflatable devil was unbelievable too! Yikes)

Forrest said...

So Delise, the question is whether you have any AC/DC on the Ipod?
My concert list,
1. Smithereens. I was right against the stage, played all three guitars during the course of the concert by out reaching those around me to hit the strings, flipped the feedback speakers out so that they faced us instead of the singer, and jumped up on stage during the last number.
2. Violent Femmes. Jeff was right that this was just a great overall experience. I remember walking around Salt Lake after the concert with my shirt off, drinking a big gulp. Plus I wore the concert shirt over to Angie's house and gave my future father-in-law pause.
3. Oingo Boingo. Down at the dirt palace at the Salt Lake fairgrounds. 9th grade with Gavin some other kid that got pulled back into the mosh pit and spent the rest of the concert in the back. Gavin and I braved the front couple of rows and I can clearly remember a security guard leaning out from the stage, resting his hand on top of my head, and yanking some jerk out of the audience right next to me by his shirt.

Top 3 concerts I never attended. 1 REM Green tour. I had 2nd row seats but I sold them to go to some dance with Angie. Must have sold them to Jeff.
2. Metallica. Every time the came in concert to where I was living it was on a Sunday. How do you explain that to your EQ pres?
3. Nirvana. Thought they would be around a little longer.