put your own 3 things in the comments section

if a topic of the day catches your attention, feel free to put your own three things (or however many) in the comments section. it is fun to read other people's lists.

:) jeff

Friday, November 23, 2007

the road to 207

i am starting my weight loss regimen. (notice that i waited until the day after thanksgiving to start my diet - no sense in failing on day one!)

my current weight is 247 lbs. my goal is to get to 207 by march for the moab volleyball trip. (40 lbs just seemed to be a nice round number - or maybe 207 seems to be a much less round number)

i will keep a chart on the side to show my progress.


Delise said...

Go Eddie go!

Missletoe said...

Way to stick it to the holiday season! An empowering decision!